RTC Resources is one of the most experienced and reliable recruitment agencies in the industry when it comes to Healthcare Recruitment.
Many of our clients rely on us to provide a continuity of care, this could include last minute or booked in advance.
We aim to provide consistent support by sourcing specific individuals to meet the needs and preferences of our clients, this enables a strong, trusting relationship to be built and to be maintained.

We recruit for you
Reading over hundreds of CVs, filtering applications and carrying out interviews, are all hugely time consuming and expensive for organisations.
RTC Resources make it easy for you to find the very best candidates, quickly and with salary expectations within your budget.
Advertise your positions easily and effectively through RTC. We have thousands of high quality candidates looking to advance their career.
RTC Resources support your recruitment projects and help ensure a successful conclusion to your staff search.
We are proven experts in providing timely and suitable solutions at competitive rates.